Leaving the New Episcopal Church

by Craig Bernthal

Private Papers

Most Christians in America probably don’t know much about what is happening in the Episcopal Church (TEC). Continue reading “Leaving the New Episcopal Church”

Islam’s Public Enemy #1

Coptic priest Zakaria Botros fights fire with fire.

by Raymond Ibrahim

National Review Online

Though he is little known in the West, Coptic priest Zakaria Botros — named Islam’s “Public Enemy #1” by the Arabic newspaper, al-Insan al-Jadid— has been making waves in the Islamic world. Continue reading “Islam’s Public Enemy #1”

Real Talk?

The Saudi king ought to stop killing non-Muslims first.

by Raymond Ibrahim

National Review Online

According to the Associated Press, Saudi King Abdullah, in an unprecedented move last week, “made an impassioned plea for dialogue among Muslims, Christians, and Jews” — going so far as to refer to the latter two as “our brothers.” Continue reading “Real Talk?”

Spitzer’s Comic Fall

The understand the disgraced governor, brush up your Aristophanes.

by Bruce S. Thornton

City Journal

Commentators are already calling the rise and fall of New York governor Eliot Spitzer “tragic.” Continue reading “Spitzer’s Comic Fall”

The Old Script

Does Obama really think he settles racism with relativism?

by Bruce S. Thornton

Private Papers

Barack Obama’s attempt to defuse the crisis in his presidential campaign caused by videos of his “spiritual mentor’s” bigoted sermons has been spun as “the most significant public discussion of race in decades,” as The New York Times gushed. Continue reading “The Old Script”

Paying the Piper

by Craig Bernthal

Private Papers

Temperance is not high in the current list of American virtues. We are the 9th most obese people on earth, according to the World Health Organization, with 74% of American’s over 15 identified as overweight. Continue reading “Paying the Piper”

No Small World

Biblical meaning of Amalek not lost.

by Raymond Ibrahim

Private Papers

During the eulogy of the eight slain students of the March 6 terrorist attack at Mercaz HaRav yeshiva school in West Jerusalem, highly-respected Rabbi Ya’akov Shapira made, for the average gentile, a rather illusive allusion regarding the attack: Continue reading “No Small World”

The Future with Europe

The Swiss newspaper Junge Freiheit interviews VDH

Private Papers

JF: Professor Hanson, you criticize U.S. immigration policy in your recent bookMexifornia. What is it that bothers you about the development at the Southern border? Continue reading “The Future with Europe”

Our Ailing Meritocracy

Merit takes second place to gender and religion

by Raymond Ibrahim

Private Papers

When all the political sophistry is said and done, there is no denying that the claim to fame of the Democratic Party’s two superstar candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, is that the one is a woman, the other black and from something of an “ambiguous” religious background (little wonder bland John Edwards stepped out, with the jocular yet true remark during January’s CNN Democratic Debate that being white and male wasn’t helping his cause). Continue reading “Our Ailing Meritocracy”