The Politics of Blame

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

It should have been easy for Democrats to connect depleted 401(k) accounts and lost home equity with the buccaneers of Wall Street who supposedly prompted the panic. Continue reading “The Politics of Blame”

President 50/50

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Our Philosopher Organizer

The most successful practitioner of community organizing looks around for what he thinks is a problem, chastises both sides and allots absolutely equal blame, gives exalted moral lectures about compromise and understanding, and then waltzes away well paid, praised for his moderation, but having accomplished nothing. Continue reading “President 50/50”

The Postnational, Postmodern, Post-everything Presidential Trip

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

1. Do They all Do This? A good argument could be made that Jacques Chirac was deeply unpopular (along with his foreign minister Dominque de Villepin) in the U.S. and the U.K. Even more so was Gerhard Schröder, and to a lesser extent his postmodern foreign minister Joschka Fischer, veteran of the 1960s Days of Rage. Continue reading “The Postnational, Postmodern, Post-everything Presidential Trip”

The Presidential First Stone

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

In this great age of atonement, in a mere two or three days the world has been reminded that (1) the U.S. has been arrogant; (2) dismissive and derisive to Europe; (3) was a slave-owning society; (4) practiced genocide against native Americans; (5) did not let blacks vote; (6) was the only nation to have used nuclear weapons; (7) embraced torture; (8) alienated the world under Bush, and on and on. Continue reading “The Presidential First Stone”

Another Times Blowhard

by Bruce S. Thornton

Every so often The New York Times runs an op-ed by the appropriately named Charles M. Blow. Blow’s shtick is to dig up some statistical nugget and then draw all manner of portentous conclusions this data supposedly support. Continue reading “Another Times Blowhard”

G-20 Outtakes

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Poodle Redux. Blair was denigrated as Bush’s poodle, although his eloquence and influence over Bush were clear to all. In contrast, Gordon Brown is embarrassingly obsequious to Obama, in a way Blair never was around Bush. Continue reading “G-20 Outtakes”

Europe Got Obama–Now What?

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

“Yes, we can!” Germans shouted in unison with candidate Barack Obama at their Victory Column in Berlin this past summer. Continue reading “Europe Got Obama–Now What?”

President Obama’s First 70 Days

It really does all make sense.

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

In just the first 70 days of the new administration, a number of Obama supporters have expressed some dismay at their new president. Continue reading “President Obama’s First 70 Days”

The Good–Part III

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

After those depressing six “bad” and “ugly” trends, here are three things that bring at least some optimism in otherwise trying times. Continue reading “The Good–Part III”

American Mob Rule

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

In the last three months, we’ve been reduced to something like the ancient Athenian mob — with opportunistic politicians sometimes inciting, sometimes catering to an already angry public. Continue reading “American Mob Rule”