The End of the Old Order

The well-intentioned social programs of the 1960s make no sense today.

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Ideas of the 1960s have grown reactionary in our world, which is vastly different from the America of a half-century ago. Continue reading “The End of the Old Order”

Why Some Wars Are So Savage

by Victor Davis Hanson

Wall Street Journal

A prominent Syrian rebel commander with the nom de guerre Abu Sakkar recently appeared on YouTube cutting open the chest of a dead government soldier, pulling something out of it—the heart or perhaps a lung—and taking a bite. Continue reading “Why Some Wars Are So Savage”

Our Make No Mistake About It/ Let Me Be Perfectly Clear President

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

If only Barack Obama had something to say…

After all, we have never had a president who descended the steps of Air Force One with such catlike agility, hands almost as paws lightly bouncing in synchronization with each elfish footstep. Continue reading “Our Make No Mistake About It/ Let Me Be Perfectly Clear President”